Monday, October 25, 2010

Brunelleschi’s Courage

Brunelleschi portrayed courage by not being afraid to share his ideas about the dime in front of 100’s of architects. Brunelleschi’s idea for the dome soon became one of Florence’s biggest attractions. This all happened because Brunelleschi was not afraid to share his ideas. Brunelleschi also showed courage by going to all extreme to make sure his Dome would stand. He went inside it himself and placed a brick at a different angle and it miraculously worked. The problem was, that if it had failed and over time the ceiling collapsed, Brunelleschi would be blamed, and so would the Medici’s. It took a lot of courage for Brunelleschi to take that risk, and if he hadn’t the beautiful Dome would never have been created. It took a lot of courage for Brunelleschi to do what he did, and all of Florence is grateful, because without him; There master piece would have never been created.