Tuesday, March 29, 2011

British Ethnocentricity

When the British first arived in Australia, They came across the native people who lived there (the First Australians.) This meant that the Briitish had to learn a new way of life, or they could change there way of life. The British choses to change the First Australians way of life so that it would be exactly likke te British because all they really wanted was for everyone to be British. Choosing to do this, the British did't only change the First Australian's way of life, they changed everything around them. From habitat to Rituals (religious beliefs) and there food ect. This proves that the British Ethnocentricity was so determined that no matter what anyone said, there was no way of getting round the British believing that there way is the best way.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Apology To The First Australian's

After the whole British vs Australian Conflict was over, The British have understood what they have done wrong and how that might affect the First Australians. With looking at the book the Rabbits, we have seen things through your eyes and see what was going through your mind when this whole thing happened. We had no right coming in and trying to change your way of life. We never meant to kill your environment, burn your crops, or kidnap your children. With also talking a look at the movie rabbit proof fence, we see how our actions might have made not only you feel, but what everyone else was thinking. While reading this we hope that you forgive our misjudgment and forgive us.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Is Molly a Hero

In the movie The rabbit proof fence, the potraginist Molly is known as many things. Brave, smart, missunderstod, but are these traits the qualities of being a hero? Molly is a a girl who is half british and half aboriginal, this proves to be a difficult situation gor her because this means she has to go away to a special camp. here she finds some difficulties because she is not used to being very crowded while she sleeps, nor is she used to doing her business in a bucket. Molly also has trouble believing that to have a good education and to be accepted by everyone (except the Aboriginals,) you need to be white. Deciding that her and her sisters do not belong in such a camp, Molly and her sisters run away into the forest to find their way home. During this journey they need to avoid detection from the scouter and at the same time make it home alive. Molly proves that she has hero like qualities about her but im not sure whether she should be given the title of hero.