Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Jason and the Argonuts Blog

The story of Jason and the Argonauts is known to many. Some say it was the greatest myth ever created, but, that's the question, was it just a myth? Is their a chance that it was real? There is evidence, like the ship. There is evidence that the ship is real. Is it just the ship? Is their not more evidence to prove that this myth could have one day been real? Could it be that all myths were real? People believe that Jason’s journey was to recover the golden ram. Was their ever a golden ram?

The movies give us great evidence that the myth was real. They show us where the journey began and where it ended. They describe each character to be brave and willing. In part 3, the crew was willing to see if the drink was position or not so that Jason could live. Live to recover the golden lam. Live to tell the tale of how him and his crew, went on there journey. These aren’t the only movies on Jason and the Argonauts. There are many different types of stories. There are ones saying that Jason’s crew were slack, lazy and that no one could understand why Jason had chosen them. That’s not the only other one. There are ones that say that his crew were hard working, smart and fit. If you believe that this epic journey really happened, then you have to believe one of these stories. But which one?
There are not just movies about these stories, no; there are thousands of books devoted to Jason and his crew’s epic adventure. But like the movies they come in all different forms.
I believe that the tale of Jason and the Argonauts is real. From the documentary we watched, I realised that there was so much evidence, like the boat that makes you think that it only just happened. I may not believe the version of the story that you believe, but there is no denying that no matter how many different ways you here the story, it always ends the same.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my name.

My name, even through it’s the fourth most popular English name, nobody seems to get it. The story of how I got my name didn’t happen over one day, one week, a fortnight or a month. It was a long time before mum and dad decided on the name Lachlan.
The problem is the name Lachlan is difficult to spell because it has an “A” instead of an “O” and a “CH” instead of a “CK.” Now that we’ve covered that back to the story.
When mum was pregnant, she didn’t know if I was a boy or girl, so they didn’t know what to call me. When I came out as a boy mum wasn’t surprised (probably because she already had four.) anyway. She had always liked the name Oscar (I don’t know why. I think it’s a boring name) but dad couldn’t imagine saying, “OSCAR, DO YOUR HOMEWORK NOW!” so the name Oscar was off the list. They then went with William but somehow that got off the list to. It became my middle name. So for the first three days I was now as “our son” but dad woke up one day and said, “What about Lachlan?” At first, mum wasn’t sure but later that day there was an incident where somehow I had fallen off the table. Luckily I wasn’t hurt. Mum and dad said together, “that was lucky” and that’s how I ended up with Lachlan because my nickname is Lachie which sounds like LUCKY!
When I learned to talk, read and write, I decided that I didn’t like the name Lachlan cause as I said it’s the fourth most popular English name. I like to be unique, I like to be different I like to be… not like anyone else (anyone who knows me will agree.) so I decided to change my name to Declan. I thought it was cool. But no one would call me it and mum told me I was not ever again to change my name to Declan. So I changed it to Jake. Once again, I had to change it back.
I had a lot of nicknames like lock-a-lo and lock-sta and for some reason Peabody (from my dad) I don’t know why. But all of them changed over time.
I really didn’t like my name when we moved to Dubai because nobody could say it. They all said it how it’s spelt La-ch-y. It sounded like scratchy. The whole year I spent in the U.A.E, nobody ever called me Lachie. It was always La-ch-y.
When we moved to Malaysia it started to get better. More and more people called me Lachie. That’s when I decided I like the name because no one else here has it for a name. so I am prod my name is Lachie because it is uniqe.

Curiosity paragraph

Curiosity can be a dangerous thing. For example, in the two myths Pandora’s box (Greek) and the orphan boy (African) myth. Pandora receives a box and is told not to open it but even though she has been warned, her curiosity over powers her and she is forced to look inside. That is the reason we have evil in the world. Also, in the orphan boy myth, the old man, even though is trusted not to follow disobeys he orders and follows the star and as a consequent the star leaves and the cattle die. Looking at these myths it makes it seem like curiosity is a bad thing but it is not. Curiosity can be good but only sometimes. If you were in either situation, would you let curiosity take control of you?