Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Curiosity paragraph

Curiosity can be a dangerous thing. For example, in the two myths Pandora’s box (Greek) and the orphan boy (African) myth. Pandora receives a box and is told not to open it but even though she has been warned, her curiosity over powers her and she is forced to look inside. That is the reason we have evil in the world. Also, in the orphan boy myth, the old man, even though is trusted not to follow disobeys he orders and follows the star and as a consequent the star leaves and the cattle die. Looking at these myths it makes it seem like curiosity is a bad thing but it is not. Curiosity can be good but only sometimes. If you were in either situation, would you let curiosity take control of you?

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Clear explanation of the theme in the two myths. You could have developed a bit more. The ending was intriguing but aim for a statement rather than a question. Image is interesting (source please). I am looking forward to reading your Common Elements in Creation Myths paragraph and the explanation of why you chose your quote - an image needs to be added too. Let me know when you have uploaded these other two posts. Extension due to the play - but let's catch up and move forward now!
