Thursday, February 4, 2010


1. Go to student, and then into Nazi rise to power. What do you think the people witnessing this are thinking?

2. Go to student, and then to Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust. What do you think the children are thinking?

3. Read the first paragraph, why do you think this would have been helpful to the Nazis.

4. Where is the largest Jewish community?

5. When did the Nazis seize power?

6. Go to Nazi rise to power, in what year was Hitler appointed Chancellor?

7. Go to Nazi rise to power, scroll down to the bottom and look at the picture. What do you think Hitler was thinking then?

8. Go to Antisemitism, look at the picture and tell me what do you think the boy represents?

9. Go to Antisemitism, scroll down to the bottom picture. What do you think the people in the background think about the man standing before them?

10. Go to Antisemitism, look at the first picture. Why do you think they drew the Jews looking like that?

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