Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lachie's Learning Profile

On Monday, during Humanities class, we were given a set of tests to find out what sort of learning style we had. We were given two categories to choose from Gestalt (Right side of the Brain) and Logic (left side of the Brain.) The Test that would determine which category we would be in, used 3 of the 5 senses (seeing, hearing, feeling.) We also had one on balance. The seeing test was simple. We held a piece of paper with a hole in the middle out in front of us so we could see through it with both eyes. Then we covered one eye to see whether we could still see out of it. If we could, that was our dominate eye. If we couldn't, then it was our other eye. For me, my left eye is my dominate eye. The Hearing challenge was even easier; we just had to think about answering the phone. Whichever ear we automatically put the phone to is our dominate ear. My left ear is my dominate ear. With the Feeling test, we had a partner hold out a pen or pencil for us, distract us, and drop it without us expecting it. Whichever hand we put out first to stop it from hitting the floor is our dominate hand. Mine is my right arm. The balance test was the easiest of them all; all we had to do was lean forward until we eventually fell. Whichever leg we used to break our fall was our dominate leg. My dominate leg is my right leg. These are the ways to find out if you are Gestalt or Logic. I turned out to be Gestalt.

Once you know where you are, you need to find out what advantages and disadvantages that gives you. We were given booklets for us to look up what we were and what we can do. I looked up mine and figured out that I learn best when I'm up close in the classroom with no distractions at all. I also find it easier to understand a lesson if it is done in a fun and creative way. This all will help me learn better and achieve more in my life.

When I am distracted or can't sit still, I need to do something that is quiet and subtle, that keeps me moving and doesn't disturb me or others learning. Some things that might help is, stretching, forms of meditation or maybe just moving around in my chair. I have decided that drumming helps me stay focused because I can do it lightly on my desk and I can listen at the same time. This are some things that will enable me to stay focused during class.

What I would really like my teachers to know about me is that i really do want to do my best at every subject and when I know that I’m not paying attention, it's not that I’m not interested, it’s just I have trouble staying focused during class.

Now that I have figured out what sort of a learner I am, I hope to look at these things as a positive and use them to my advantage.

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