Monday, May 31, 2010

This I Believe

Goals. Goals are like the top shelf, you start at the bottom and work your way up until you reach your final destination. My Goal is to be the best rugby player I can possibly be. It all started when I first picked up a rugby ball and I remembered my AFL days and how I wanted to play for my favourite team ‘Carlton.’ It was a dream that would never be fulfilled because frankly, I wasn’t that good at AFL. But, when I picked up and examined the rugby ball that felt so right in the palm of my hand, I felt the feeling where all you know is that’s what you want to do with your life, a goal that needs to be reached. That is a goal that I know that is my destiny to fulfil. So, I started training. I joined a rugby club by the name of ‘Bintang.’ At first it was really hard because I had been out of action for about three months. The fitness that was required was almost impossible for me to handle but after I got used to it, I was on top of my game. My goal is not an impossible one for me to do. I keep my intense training up and I keep my fitness up to standard, so I think that if I continue to work hard, then my goal is right in front of me, waiting for me to reach out and grab it. Many rugby players start at a young age and have the same goal as id. They don’t stop until they become famous rugby players and represent there country by playing against other countries team. All of these examples just prove that no goal is impossible to achieve. I can become a big shot rugby player if I want. I just have to work as hard as I possibly can.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, when u grow up trust me you will be the top of your game ;D and besides u already have :P
