Monday, September 6, 2010

What Makes A Good Story?

A good story needs to have many different things, in many different categories. A good story always needs to have a good hook to draw the reader in. If the reader is interested, then the story will seem a whole lot better. A good, or well prepared story; also needs to have a well-designed Pot Map. The Plot Map always needs to start will a hooking Exposition. In the Exposition, the author has to establish the setting and introduce the protagonists in great detail. Next, you need to start building your Rising Action. Your Rising Action is the part of the story where the conflict is introduced and where the tension starts to build. The most important part of a story is the Conflict. The Conflict is the peek of the tension and the most thrilling part of the story. It is also the highest point of Conflict. The Falling Action follows the Climax. It is the part of the story after and it leads to into the Resolution. The Resolution is the ending of the story. It is the part of the story where tension is lifted and the conflict falls back into place. If you want to write a good story, this is what you need.

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